Elixir Kombucha – Pineapple Ginger – Review!
|Elixir Kombucha makes drinking Kombucha Easy
Do you know what Kombucha is? It’s ok, I didn’t know much about it until recently. Did you know Kentucky has local Kombucha brewers? Well, we do and Elixir Kombucha, out of Louisville, was the first local Kombucha I’ve tried. I’ve really only had one other but it was a hard kombucha so I’m not sure if it counts.
If you want to find out more about Elixir check out the Elixir Kombucha Facebook page. I was able to pick up a bottle in Lexington at Whole Foods. Looking at the Elixir website it looks like there are several places around Lexington you can pick up a bottle. If you are interested in where to find it locally, just head to their website, it seems to have many locations
Does Kombucha scare you?

Kombucha scared me until recently when I started reading into the benefits the cultured drink provides. I can not pinpoint the exact thing that scared me about kombucha, but I think it had to do with it being cultured, which I am not.#dadJoke In my mind I predicted the taste and texture to be that of a carbonated yogurt type drink with a ginger beer type sting. I was wrong.
I guess some kombuchas could have this repulsive taste, but it’s not what I experienced with the Pineapple Ginger brew! After experimenting with homemade ‘fire cider’ this fall I took a brave step into the world of Kombucha. Elixir Kombucha is my first foray into the cultured drink realm, and I may never go back.
The pineapple gives some sweetness and the ginger gives the sips a little bite. The carbonation is also strong as you can see in the photo. Overall it is a very easy drink and it went down quicker than it should have. This bottle has two servings and I did split it up over two days. On the second day, the carbonation was still very strong. Also, I really like the look of the bottle. I think I’ll save it. I’m sure a great use for it will come up.
In case you are wondering like I was a few months ago… What is Kombucha? Well, the most simple answer is Kombucha is a fermented tea that contains yeast, sugar, and bacteria(but it’s the good kind). The combination creates probiotics. It supposedly helps with immune and digestive health. Do your own research I’m sure Google has all the answers.
Grab a bottle or case of Elixir and help support local.

Kombucha has many health benefits for your gut, and it’s natural so drinking a sparkling Kombucha is better than drinking your favorite soda pop. I would recommend this flavor to anyone who hasn’t tried Kombucha yet. I think every Kombucha fan will enjoy the flavor. I can not wait to try a few of the other flavors Elixir offers.
Don’t be afraid of what was in the bottle! I used to be afraid of the taste and what it would do to me, but no longer I have seen the light!
If you like local and you like Kentucky support the Elixir team by choosing this brand the next time you decide to Kombucha!
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