Unstoppable – HoneySuckle Breeze – Barenjager Honey Cocktail Recipe
When a honey liqueur meets a dark rum your tummy will say yum!
Imagine if you will a Barenjager Honey Cocktail, it’s easy if you try. Barenjager claims to be the original honey Liqueur. I will not protest the claim since I haven’t been around long enough to wintess the start of honey liqueurs. I also hear this is Winnie the Pooh’s favorite way to take the edge off.
Check out our new creation. Obviously you ned to use the Brenjager Honey to make it taste like you just busted open the hive and took the queen’s honey. We also suggest going with Jonah’s Curse Black Spiced Rum. Jonah’s Curse is a rum produced in Louisville, Ky. To get that punch to you mouth hole, make sure you use a good ginger beer like Bundaberg. If you don’t like mouth hole punches and want something sweeter, try an Ale8. Don’t forget a lime, you can get those from anywhere.
Give this drink a stir and let us know what you think!

The exclusive Barenjager Honeysuckle Breeze Recipe
Mix it harder or softer depending on your mindset before consuming. You can use other types of rum, ginger beer, or honey liqueur if you like, but that would lame.
- 1.5 oz dark rum
- 1.5 oz honey liqueur
- 0.5 oz lime juice
- Ginger beer to top
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